Review: Liberalism as a Way of Life, Alexandre Lefebvre
Canadian-Australian philosopher Alexandre Lefebvre's Liberalism as a way of Life turns John Rawls into a spiritual guide
Adam Wesselinoff is a journalist, editor and armchair theologian based in Sydney, Australia.
Canadian-Australian philosopher Alexandre Lefebvre's Liberalism as a way of Life turns John Rawls into a spiritual guide
Julia Baird's bestseller 'Bright Shining' shows the grandeur and misery of liberal theology in a popular mode
Synodal Investigations
Are sacraments technologies? What about spiritual conversations? Synodal Investigations continues with an inquiry into the synodal process's key technique
Synodal Investigations
Three books on synodality, pitched at different levels, shed light on what synodal theology actually involves.
Synodal Investigations
A new theological project on the sources and theology of synodality—it's more than just 'walking together'