Review: Liberalism as a Way of Life, Alexandre Lefebvre
Canadian-Australian philosopher Alexandre Lefebvre's Liberalism as a way of Life turns John Rawls into a spiritual guide
Julia Baird's bestseller 'Bright Shining' shows the grandeur and misery of liberal theology in a popular mode
Somewhere between the sublime and the practical, there's a way for human beings to avoid running away from time. Two new books explore how...
Synodal Investigations
Are sacraments technologies? What about spiritual conversations? Synodal Investigations continues with an inquiry into the synodal process's key technique
Canadian-Australian philosopher Alexandre Lefebvre's Liberalism as a way of Life turns John Rawls into a spiritual guide
Julia Baird's bestseller 'Bright Shining' shows the grandeur and misery of liberal theology in a popular mode
Are sacraments technologies? What about spiritual conversations? Synodal Investigations continues with an inquiry into the synodal process's key technique
Perhaps the decline and fall of Christendom is as much a part of divine providence as its miraculous rise
Kamila Soh reviews the South Korean artist's first exhibition in the Southern Hemisphere, at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney.
The Jindyworobak movement was an attempt to view Australian identity from the vantage of eternity. Lost to memory, Lucas Smith recovers the Jindies for the 21st century
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Perhaps the decline and fall of Christendom is as much a part of divine providence as its miraculous rise
Kamila Soh reviews the South Korean artist's first exhibition in the Southern Hemisphere, at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney.
The Jindyworobak movement was an attempt to view Australian identity from the vantage of eternity. Lost to memory, Lucas Smith recovers the Jindies for the 21st century
Nick Cave's articulation of God is much closer to orthodox Christianity than he realises, and more coherent than the God of many Christians.
Three books on synodality, pitched at different levels, shed light on what synodal theology actually involves.
What are fashion exhibitions for? And can a museum display ever really transcend fashion's commercial origins?
A new theological project on the sources and theology of synodality—it's more than just 'walking together'